七月份美國報紙報導十一歲的兒童Moshe Kai Cavalin 以平均分數滿分從大學畢業. 他入學於東洛杉磯社區大學, 兩年制的學校, 並且獲得副文學士學位. Cavalin在美國出生, 有位台灣母親和巴西人父親, 他的數學表現突出, 並喜歡天文物理. 他申請的四年制大學之中有史丹佛. 他的母親簡珊蒂說"我試著將我的兒子送到小學就讀,但是發現他學習的太快, 在課堂上常常沒事做. 所以我決定在家裡教他." Cavalin會彈鋼琴, 會打中國拳術, 並且學習法語, 中文, 西班牙文.
數世紀以來天才兒童就被特載於媒體報導之中. 對此評論家說, 集結媒體關注, 與同輩人相連的困難, 和高期望通常會為天才兒童的後期人生製造問題. 有一個很好的例子, Adragon De Mello(出生於1976), 當他再十一歲就取得四年制大學的學位(主修計算數學), 他創下了一個美國的記錄. 他的父親定下一個超高的目標, 要他兒子在十六歲時成為諾貝爾得獎人, 並且不間斷的督促他.
儘管擁有大學學位, De Mello還是選擇以化名去國中高中上學, 他敘述說"很棒 因為沒有人知道我" 今日De Mello在家得寶大型家居用品購物中心作一份簡單的工作, 而且沒有計畫要從事任何專業職業.
In July US. Newspapers reported that 11-year-old Moshe Kai Cavalin graduated from college with a 4.0 GPA. He attended East Los Angeles Community College, a two-year school, and earned an Associate of Arts degree. Born in the USA to a Taiwanese mother and a Brazilian father, Cavalin excels in math and likes astrophysics. He is applying to Stanford, among other four year schools. His mother Sandy Chien said, "I tried to send my son to elementary school, but found he learned too fast and very often had nothing to do in class. So I decided to teach him at home." Cavalin plays piano, practices Kung Fu and is learning French, Chinese and Spanish.
Child prodigies have been featured in media reports for centuries. Critics of this say a combination of media attention, diffculty in relating to peers and high expectations often cause problems for child prodigies later in life. A case in point is Adragon De Mello (born 1976), who set a US record when he earned a four-year degree (computational mathematics) at age 11. His father set the lofty goal of having his son become a Nobel laureat at age 16 and pushed him incessantly.
Despite having a degree, De Mello chose to attend junior and senior high school under an assumed name, describing it as "Nice, because no one knew me." Today, De Mello works a simple job at The Home Depot and has no plans to enter any professional career.