
  八月初一名俄國女子在參觀羅浮宮時, 她將手伸進她的包包, 不是要取出一個茶杯向世界最有名的畫像敬酒. 取而代之, 這個茶杯成為這位心理失衡的女子向這幅年代有五世紀的畫作扔擲的拋物體, 這幅法語稱是"La Jaconde蒙娜麗莎的微笑"的畫作脫險連一條裂痕也沒有. 如果這個事件以前, 在參觀羅浮宮不能帶的東西名單上沒有茶杯, 茶杯現在差不多可以肯定在此名單上.

  When the Russian woman reached into her handbag on a visit to Louvre in early August, she didn't pull out a teacup to toast the world's most famous  portrait. Instead, the teacup became a projectile that the mentally imbalanced women hurled at the five century old painting. La Jaconde, as the painting is refered to in Franch, emerged with nary a nick. If teacups were not on the list of items that visitors could not take into the Louvre before that episode, they are almost certainly on there now.

  2009年8月攻擊蒙娜麗莎微笑事件不過是這幅義大利名作經年來遭受多起無禮事件之中最新的一件. 不過在詳述其他一些最糟糕的傷害之前, 我們會檢視長久以來這幅畫被賦予的君主迷戀. 在一連串要求擁有這幅畫作的法國統治者之中, 首位擁有者是法國國王法蘭西一世. 她在這幅畫完成大約十年之後, 擁有這幅作品. 據說法蘭西一世從達文西本人那邊以大約四千"埃居銀幣"購得這幅作品, 這在當時是一大筆錢. 假使達文西在這交易之前並不富有, 這買賣將使他提升遠高於挨餓的藝術家層級.

  The August 2009 attack on the Mona Lisa was but the latest of many indignities suffered by the Italian masterpiece over the years. Before detailing some of the worst abuses, However, we will examine the kingly fascination that was long bestowed upon the work. The first in a succession of Franch rulers to lay claim to this painting was King Francis I, who took ownership of the work roughly a decade after the paint had dried. As the tale is told, King Francis purchased the work from Da Vinci himself fro approximately 4,000 "ecus," a king's ransom at that time. If Da Vinci was not wealthy prior to the transaction, this purchase elevated him far above the starving artist class.

  從1500年代中期至1800年代中期, 蒙娜麗莎的微笑也在其他法國貴族的牆上增添光輝, 包括路易十四. 他將蒙娜麗莎的微笑至於凡爾賽展示, 法國大革命將此畫作至於羅浮宮, 畫作在此直至今日. 雖然拿破崙統治時, 蒙娜麗莎的微笑被放在臥室牆上, 這位自命為法國國王的拿破崙, 將蒙娜麗莎的微笑掛在蒂伊爾里宮.

  Between the mid-1500s and the mid-1800s, the Mona Lisa graced the walls of other Franch blue bloods, including those of King Louis XIV who had it displayed at Versailles. The French Revolution saw the artwork land in the Louvre, where it remains to this day, though it ended up on a bedroom wall during the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte when the self-declared emperor of France had it hung in the Tuileries Palace.

  當時的博物館訪客可能會埋怨羅浮宮牆上空出的位置 雖然技術上而言, 蒙娜麗莎的微笑仍在同樣的複合建築內, 因為蒂伊爾里宮在羅浮宮庭院的最西邊. 在拿破崙時代這幅畫作並沒有受到任何傷害; 在普琺戰爭時這幅畫作也沒有遭受任何損害, 當時他被偷偷帶走, 藏起來不讓德國人發現.

  Museum-goers at the time may have grumbled at the bare spot in the wall of the Louvre, though technically it remained part of the same complex as the Tuileries marked the westernmost edge of the Louvre courtyard. No harm came to the work during Napoleon's rule; the same was during the Franco-Prussian war in the late 19th century when the work was spirited away and hidden from the Germans.

  這幅畫經歷滄桑的歷史中最黑暗的一段從1911年開始, 在一個巴黎看似沉睡的夜晚. 蒙娜麗莎的微笑從羅浮宮不見了. 佩魯賈設法偷偷帶走這幅畫, 因為星期一, 羅浮宮與大多數博物館一樣在這天公休. 佩魯賈很輕易的進行偷竊, 身為保管職員看起來不會可疑或是不對勁.

  One of the darkest chapters in the eventful history of the portrait began in 1911 when it disappeared from the Louvre one night as Paris seemingly slumbered. Peruggia managed to slip the painting out since it was Monday and, like most museums , the Louvre was officially closed. Being a custodial staff at the museum, it was easy for Peruggia to carry out the theft without looking too suspicious or out of place.

  佩魯賈將畫作藏了快兩年 最後將他售予烏菲茲美術館的館長. 他的偷竊行為是依向愛國行為而且大多數義大利人可能同意. 因為在蒙娜麗莎回到法國之前, 在達文西的祖國義大利巡迴展出.

  Peruggia hid the painting for two years and tried to sell it to curators at the Uffizi Gallery in his native Italy. To him, his theft of the painting was a patrotic act, and many Italians likely concurred. Since Mona Lisa went on a tour of Da Vinc's homeland before eventually being return to France.


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