Image the typical office birthday party. It's after lunch, so everybody is full. Then, in comes a luscious chocolate confection. The sight, the smell  -- even the sound of the word "cake" stimulate the reward and pleasure circuits of the brain, activating the memory centers and salivary glands as well.


those resctions quickly drown out the subtle signals from the stomach that are saying 'still digesting down here, don't send more' Social cues add pressure and permission to indulge. Soon, everybody is having a slice or two.

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Sometimes you want the comforts of home even while you're on a holiday and a luxury rental home can make you at ease when you are sampling a new city, resort or region.


Travel web site tripadvisor provide a list of luxury rental homes in north america, ranging from the beachside villas to spacious mountainside estates on the slopes.

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要解釋我們現在對殭屍與吸血鬼的痴迷, 似乎並不困難。它們如同一枚硬幣的正反面,均以其性感、死亡與特殊的主食迎合著我們的好奇心。它們長生不老,以人類為食,傳播某種瘟疫,並且需要特殊手段 才能被殺死----釘入心臟的木樁或者挖出腦子。但它們似乎被極端化了。永生的吸血鬼是女孩們的選擇,而殭屍則更符合男孩們的胃口。吸血鬼冷酷、孤傲、俊 美、晝伏夜出,正如喜怒無常的十幾歲男孩。殭屍則沉默寡言,凶殘,醜陋,頭腦簡單,脾氣狂躁,也同樣是十幾歲男孩的典型特徵。

Our current preoccupation with zombies and vampires is easy to explain. They're two sides of the same coin, addressing our fascination with sex, death and food. They're both undead, they both feed on us, they both pass on some kind of plague and they can both be killed with specialist techniques - a stake through the heart or a disembraining. But they seem to have become palorized. Vampires are undead of choice for girls, and zombies for boys. Vampires are cool, aloof, beautiful, brooding creatures of the night. Typical moody teenage boys, basically. Zombies are dumb, brutal, ugly and mindlessly violent. Which makes them also like typical teenage boys, I suppose.

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強打少年 石川遼

身高才175cm 可以轟出350碼以上的driver, 帥!  天才 : 他不但長桿打得遠 , 短桿也打得好. 一切一推跟吃飯一樣

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1. 在心中定出所渴望之明確數目. 只說我想要有錢是不夠的.

2. 想清楚你決定付出什麼?以得到你所渴望的金錢 (天下沒有白吃的午餐)

3. 設定你決心擁有這筆錢的明確日期.

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Toeic 終於考完了, 這次去考還是沒有完全寫完, 剩下十題.

模擬考的時候還都可以輕鬆寫完, 但是週日正式考試的時候, 一直為一些煩人的心事分神, 無法專心...

古人常說英雄難過美人關, 古代的帝王也是被一些壞女人亂政.

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剛剛看了一篇文章, 賺很多錢可以得到快樂嗎?

如果痛苦到快樂是用分數計算, 最痛苦是-10;最快樂是+10.

那有錢只能讓你不用擔心房貸, 小孩學費, 生活開銷. 有錢可以讓你從-7or-8拉回0. 但是有錢並不能讓你從0變成+7 or +10.

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有一個小學老師在偏遠的鄉里教書,  這天,他來到自己班上的教室, 問班上的小朋友:

「你們大家有沒有討厭的人啊」 小朋友們想了想,有的未作聲,有的則猛力地點點頭。

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  妳覺得在你朋友面前講述兩件事情, 那一件會讓妳比較開心or驕傲

  1. 我工作上超有成就, 已經做到上市公司的CEO

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