
  在1991年強森夢想中的職業生涯化下句點, 當時他驗出HIV陽性(AIDS) 在藥物及猛烈的每日運動幫助下, 魔術強森維持沒有愛滋病發作. 他不只是化險為夷, 他快馬加鞭努力展開成功的新工作.  在短暫的企圖在NBA捲土重來之後, 他永久離開籃球了. 1995年開始, 他進入商業的領域. 現在居於估計價值七億美元的大企業集團之上, 比他當NBA明星時賺得還多. 魔術強森企業在比佛利山莊的大廈管理一百一十六間星巴克特許經銷加盟店, 31家漢堡王, 十餘家24小時健身房等等.

  In 1991, Magic Johnson's dream career came to an abrupt end, when he tested positve for HIV. With the help of drugs and vigorous daily exercise, he remains free of AIDS. He would not only land on his feet, but his feet also hit the ground running. After a brief NBA comeback attempt, he left basketball for good and, beginning in 1995, entered the world of business.

  Johnson now sits atop a business empire worth an estimated US$700 million, which is more than he made as an NBA star. From the highrise building in Beverey Hills, his enterprise oversees 116 Starbucks franchises, 31 Burger Kings and a dozen 24hr fitness Gyms.

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