
  可能對大眾捷運系統要說的話都傾向於負面, 而且可能甚至是無法在這本雜誌中印出來的話. 的確, 搭乘捷運從家中往返至辦公室或學校, 對大多數人來說激發出來的會是報怨與汙辱性修辭多過於讚美. 在今天這篇文章中我們試著改變這個印象, 相信大多數運輸系統都有一些好的特質. 任何同意台北捷運系統的人一定會同意這個說法, 但是即使像紐約地鐵那麼老舊的系統也值得愛惜, 因此大蘋果紐約市是今天我們這一課開始探討的地方.

  Much of what could be said about Mass Rapid Transit System tends toward negative and might even be unprintable in these pages. Indeed, riding the rails to the office or school and back home again inspires more grumbling and epithets than praise with most folks. We will try and reverse that a little here in these pages today, in the belief that most transit systems have some redeeming qualities. Anyone familiar with Taipei MRT can't help but concur, but even old system such as NYC's subway deserve some love, so the big apple is where our lesson kicks off.

New York 地下鐵:

  他很骯髒 老舊 吵雜, 但是他也有長久的歷史. 他是在1870年首次開始營運, 一直到1904年為止, 他的軌道大部分都是在地面上而不是在地下. 在世界各城市都能找到更心更舒服的大眾運輸系統, 但是紐約市地下鐵可能有些方面勝過它們. 沿著八百四十二英哩長的軌道, 有四百六十八個車站, 它所到達的範圍令人驚訝. 而且他24小時營運, 使它成為世界上少數沒有在夜間關閉的地下鐵之ㄧ. 如果紐約市不眠不休, 那地下鐵怎能停歇呢?

  It's dirty, old and noisy, but it's also got history. It first became operational in 1870, though prior to 1904 most of its tracks were on the ground and not below it. Newer and more comfortable mass transit systems are found in many cities worldwide, but NYC's subway may have them beat on a couple fronts. With 468 stations along 842 miles of track, its reach is mind boggling. And it operates round the clock, making it one of the few subways in the world that doesn't shut down overnight. IF NYC never sleep, why should its subway?

Chicago L:

  他很髒 老舊 吵雜, 但是他也有歷史. 如果聽起來很熟悉的話是因為對紐約地下鐵的真實描述通常也能用在芝加哥捷運上, 這可以追朔到1892年. 其中一個原因是因為芝加哥捷運是美國在紐約之後第二個建造的捷運系統. 然而, 這兩個系統之間的極大差異是芝加哥的高架鐵路. 而且, 當它在1800年代末期建造時, 是世界第一個高架的電動鐵路系統. 而TOWER18是四條芝加哥捷運路線交會的地點, 有很長時間它是世界上最忙碌的鐵路聯軌站. 它的作用有點像是空中交通管制塔; 內部的人員要注意火車的動態, 因此減少碰撞的風險.

  It's dirty, old and noisy, but it's also got history. If that's looks familiar it's because what's true about New York's subway is often true about Chicago's L, which dates back to 1892. One reason for that is because the L was the second rapid transit to built in any city in the U.S. after Nw York. A huge difference between the two systems, however, is the elevated aspect of Chicago's system. Moreover, it was the world's first elevated electric rail when it was built in the late 1800s. And Tower 18 -- where four L lines come together --was for years the busiest rail junction in the world. It functioned a bit like an air traffic control tower; perched inside were personnel who kept an eye on trains, thereby reducing risks of collision.

London Underground:

  像是經年來建造的許多地下鐵系統, 包括紐約和台北的, 倫敦鐵路使用的是明挖回填法. 那表示在原有的街道中切出一條溝槽, 在底部安裝軌道和隧道, 然後用土填回來並鋪上柏油. 倫敦地鐵系統和其他地方系統不同的特別之處在於它的歷史時間. 倫敦地鐵的列車於1863年首先開始啟用, 使它成為世界最古老的都市地下鐵路系統. 今天, 它的軌道有55%是位於地面上或是在高架軌道上, 但是整個系統仍被稱為"Undrground". "Tube"是此系統另一個常用的名子. 然而 "Subway"這個字在倫敦通常被用來稱人行地下道, 無疑的對拜訪此地的紐約客來說是非常容易混淆的.

  Like many subway systems built over the years, inculding New York's and ours here in Taipei, the London Underground was built using thecut-and-cover approach. That meant cutting a trough in already existing city streets, installing track and a tunnel inside it at the bottom, and then covering it back up with dirt and laying asphalt on top. What sets the London system apart from all others is its age: its trains first began running in 1863, making it the oldest subterranean urban rail in the world. Today, 55% of its rails are located on ground level or above it on elevated tracks, but the entire system is still referred to as the "Underground." The "Tube" is another common name for the system. "Subway," however, is often used to refer to pedestrian underpasses in London, much to the confusion of many visiting NEW Yorks, no doubt.


   許多造訪莫斯科的旅客認為史達林時代的車站是世界上最美麗的地下鐵車站, 相法的, 赫魯雪夫時代的車站則單調到無法用言語來表達, 而且可能是世界上最醜的地下鐵車站. 依照這個雜誌中最近的文章描述, 訪客應該不用訝異會發現地鐵座位被一些莫斯科數目眾多的流浪狗佔據.

   Stalin-era stations are considered to be the most beautiful subway stations in the world by many visitors to Moscow. In contrast, Kruscheve-era stations are drab beyond description, and possibly rank amoung the world's ugliest subway stations. According to a recent article in these pages, visitors should not be surprised to find Metro seats occupied by some Moscow's many stray dogs.

Taipei MRT

  被認為是現代化 有效率 和乾淨的台北捷運系統, 很難想像它曾經有過不少的誹謗者. 第一個開始營運的是木柵線. 然而在測試期間, 發現了一些支柱有裂痕. 而且至少有一節車廂起火燒得剩焦黑外殼. 它也被指責是世界上最昂貴的大眾捷運系統, 而且可能浪費了納稅人的錢. 今日捷運系統每天搭在數以萬計的旅客橫跨大台北地區, 很少故障或失靈, 鮮少出現抱怨的聲音.

  Considering how modern, efficient and clean Taipei's MRT is, it's hard to imagine it once had its share of detractors. The first line to become operational was the Muzha Line (or Brown Line). During testing, however, cracks in some support pillars were detected, and at least one carriage became a charred hull when it caught fire and burned. It was also decried as the most expensive mass transit system in the world, and a possible waste of taxpayer dollars. Now that the MRT system carries hundreds of thousands of riders across greater Taipei each day, with few if any hitches or glitches, complaints are seldom if ever heard.

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